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Jesus leads, we move

We see the devastating reality of extreme child poverty and want to respond as Jesus would.

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Releasing children from poverty since 1952

Our approach is all about Jesus. For 73 years, we’ve been following his example of seeing injustice and moving with compassion.

Today we care for more than 2.3 million children, the most vulnerable to the devastating effects of poverty. And we do this exclusively in partnership with 8,900 local churches in 29 countries. These trusted church partners bring deep cultural understanding, local knowledge of community needs and strong relationships.

 Christ centred
Christ centred
Jesus is at the centre of all we do.
Child focused
Child focused
We intentionally begin with children.
Church driven
Church driven
Working locally for greater impact.
Releasing children from poverty (since 1952)[core-blue]

Miracle's story: From abandonment to love

A newborn left to die. A family moved to save her. A community united by faith.

“As we passed a drainage stream, we heard crying. We thought someone had maybe thrown a dog into the water. We kept walking, but the cries continued. That’s when we found the baby."

How you can move with compassion

The local churches we partner with deliver three core programmes:


Mums and Babies

We’re passionate about seeing babies flourish during their critical early years.

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mums and babies supported

Our church partners create loving communities where parents are equipped, whilst babies are provided with vital vaccinations, health check-ups and good nutrition.

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Holistic Child Development

We long to see young people who are thriving followers of Jesus making a positive difference in the world.

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children and youth sponsored

Our holistic approach helps release children from economic, physical, social and spiritual poverty. They’re empowered to become change-makers in their families, communities and nations.

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Critical Interventions

Through locally led initiatives, we remove additional barriers preventing children and families from overcoming poverty.

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indivduals supported locally

Our church partners address broader community or family needs such as building a borehole to provide safe water access or buying mosquito nets to prevent against malaria.

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Why choose Compassion as your Christian charity?

Join 86,000 others who are changing lives within Compassion UK.

Compassion is not simply about us empowering a child or educating a child. It's actually about a whole system of transformation happening in the local church. … what Compassion is actually doing is more about investing into the lives of a whole neighbourhood rather than investing into one child.

Rev. Dr. Cris Rogers | Spring Harvest

Explore what God is doing

See the stories. Feel the impact. Move with Compassion
Richmond's story

Richmond's story

Being sponsored as part of the Compassion church-driven programme changed everything for Richmond Wandera. As a church leader, and founder of the Pastors Discipleship Network, he is now resourcing churches across the country to transform their communities.

Explore this story
The First in My Family

The First in My Family

Ending poverty can seem like an insurmountable challenge. But showing God’s love to just one child can ripple out, impacting a family, a community, and ultimately a nation. Not just now, but into eternity.

Explore this story
Powering the Future in Uganda

Powering the Future in Uganda

In rural Uganda, fewer than 1 in 4 people have access to electricity. But in the Masindi district, this falls to just over 3%. Power the future by helping us install solar panels to benefit 1,325 children.

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A mum at 14

A mum at 14

“My daughter is the happiness of my home.”

Explore this story
“My name is Alima”

“My name is Alima”

You can change the life of one child.

Explore this story
The baby in the bushes

The baby in the bushes

One mum’s testimony to the extraordinary support sponsorship provides.

Explore this story

Pray with us

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Prayers for the rights of the child